Wind Turbines
The railcars, trucks, freighters and barges, regional transit buses and subways responsible for moving raw materials and finished goods as well as transporting commuters rely on vast national network of rivers, rails, and roads. Loading and unloading processes and vehicle and road maintenance all put service personnel at risk while working at heights. Keeping maintenance personnel and workers safe requires a comprehensive fall prevention strategy, which includes the proper mix of fall protection equipment, personnel training, and partnering with a fall protection company that appreciates the unique nature of the potential fall hazards and the specific fall arrest challenges presented by road and rail applications.

Fall Protection Solutions
Design Considerations
Wind energy is a multi-faceted fall protection requirement. Maintenance personnel need to safely climb between 100 to 300 feet from the ground level to reach the wind turbine’s mechanical drives in the power generation area. This climb can be extremely physically demanding as temperatures in the wind turbine’s support chamber can reach 200 degrees in summer months. Once the maintenance staff reaches the top of the ladder system, a shell protecting the drive system retracts, creating a confined yet open air work space requiring OSHA compliant fall protection. Although most wind turbines feature resting platforms that are spaced at 50 foot increments, scaling a 100-300 foot ladder system remains difficult and potentially dangerous. To make climbing from ground level to the generation bay easier and safer, we recommend the use vertical lifelines in conjunction with climb-assist products that remove 45-55% of a climber’s body weight. Generation bay work areas are protected with horizontal lifeline cable systems or single point anchors to ensure 100% tie-off. Diversified Fall Protection can also help install systems and train personnel for rescue situations in the event of a fall. Despite the relative youth of this emerging market, Diversified Fall Protection has years of experience installing OSHA compliant fall protection systems for the wind energy market including:
- Horizontal Lifelines
- Rescue and Descent
- Single Point Anchors
- Vertical Lifelines and Ladder Systems