Waste Water Treatment
Although every water treatment plant contains similar process equipment, each facility’s access points and fall hazards are unique. Providing safe access to your facility’s clarifying, settling, and sediment tanks requires a comprehensive fall prevention strategy, which includes the proper mix of fall protection equipment, a descent and rescue plan, personnel training, and partnering with a fall protection company that appreciates the unique nature of the potential fall and drowning hazards associated with the water treatment industry.
We are a complete turnkey provider of fall protection systems designed for the water treatment industry and have the years of design and installation experience in this market sector. Contact us for expert assistance with your fall arrest, fall restraint and fall protection requirements.

Fall Protection Solutions
Design Considerations
Water treatment plant maintenance staff may find themselves climbing on top of clarifier domes or servicing sleds in sledge tanks. In both plant areas, fall protection systems need to arrest falls and prevent workers from drowning or coming into contact with untreated water and sewage.
Since water treatment plants are corrosive, caustic environments, fall protection systems must be fabricated using stainless steel, hot dipped galvanized or hard coat anodized materials. Whether the application is a small, private facility, or a large, municipal water treatment plant, your maintenance staff is exposed to slip-trip hazards on a frequent basis.
A fall protection system comprised of a walkway system, single point anchor, and horizontal lifeline can allow maintenance personnel to safely access key service areas on your clarifying tank. Although horizontal lifelines are used in some applications, fall arrest systems designed to protect workers servicing sludge tank sleds typically take the form of overhead rigid track or rigid beam systems to stop personnel from actually making physical contact with the untreated water and sewage below. Sludge tanks, by their nature, combine slip-trip hazards that can lead to falls and drowning. Water treatment plants also present underground pumps requiring confined space equipment for safe access. In addition to fabricating and installing a comprehensive fall protection system, Diversified Fall Protection can instruct your staff in the proper use of PPE and rescue procedures to ensure your water treatment is in full compliance with all OSHA fall protection regulations. Diversified Fall Protection has years of experience installing OSHA compliant fall protection systems for the water treatment market including:
- Horizontal Lifelines
- Rescue and Descent
- Rigid Systems
- Single Point Anchors