Theaters, amphitheaters, and performing arts centers all require stage hands to work at heights while tending to rigging, theatrical drapes, curtains, scenery, and lighting. Although performance arts may seem far removed from many of the traditional market sectors subject to routine OSHA safety inspections, theaters and amphitheaters must provide fall protection for stage crew members and these venues are held to the same fall protection standards as general industry. Ensuring the safety of your stage hands requires the implementation of a comprehensive fall prevention strategy, which includes the proper mix of fall protection equipment, personnel training, and partnering with a fall protection company that appreciates the unique nature of your facility’s access points and potential fall hazards.

Fall Protection Solutions
Design Considerations
Although concealed from the audience, theaters typically utilize catwalks to provide stage hand access to the rigging equipment used to lift, lower, and maintain theatrical equipment on or above stage level. All theater and amphitheater catwalks should make use of guardrail to ensure crew safety. In addition, there must be a ladder equipped with a vertical lifeline or stairway system to provide safe access to the catwalk network suspended above the stage floor.
Horizontal lifelines are also common in theater applications to span long sections that are not covered with catwalks. A continuous pass through horizontal lifeline system provides excellent coverage in terms of length and changes in direction.
DFP has years of experience designing and installing fall protection systems specifically tailored for theater and amphitheater applications. Our understanding of your unique access points and fall hazards, combined with our turnkey approach to OSHA compliant fall protection will keep your stage hands and crew safe while working at heights.