Silos and Towers
Safe maintenance and operation of grain silos and bulk powder storage towers used in the agricultural industry requires comprehensive fall prevention strategies. The proper mix of fall protection equipment, a rescue and descent plan, and personnel training is assured when you partner with a fall protection company that appreciates the unique nature of your facility’s access points and potential fall hazards.
Diversified Fall Protection is the leading provider of fall arrest systems to the American grain and feed industries. Our systems protect thousands of workers every day, and we’ve been leading the industry standard in overhead rigid rail fall protection for more than 20 years.
Whether indoor or outdoor, permanent or portable, overhead rigid rail fall protection systems provide the highest degree of mobility and safety in fall protection. Diversified utilizes a patented TD3 Truss to allow for greater spans between support columns, reducing both the costs and the footprint of the system at your facility.
Explore our solutions to prevent silo falls. Reach out to a fall protection specialist to begin your next project.

Fall Protection Solutions
Design Considerations
The vertical storage characteristics of grain elevators, silos, and storage towers can lead to the build-up of pressure and heat. Left unchecked, this may result in an explosion.
Silos and towers utilize fans and related equipment designed to keep the stored material from settling. Maintenance personnel use ladder systems to monitor the moisture, heat, gas, and pressure levels from the top of the silo. In addition to the fall hazards presented by the ladder system, service personnel may fall from the top of the silo, or through the access panel into the storage area itself.
Although most silos have internal escape hatches at their base, workers can suffocate attempting their own rescue. Explosion risks, fall hazards, and confined space issues combine to make silos and storage towers extremely dangerous work areas requiring an effective fall prevention system.