Trolley Beam Fall Arrest
Trolley beam solutions are the most effective rigid rail fall arrest systems, delivering safe, reliable fall arrest performance. Trolley beam fall protection systems are the best at minimizing fall distance and eliminating secondary falls or bounces that occur in flexible cable systems.
Trolley beam fall arrest systems are easy to use and allow for seamless travel, without excessive drag on the fall protection system.
Ideal for outdoor applications, TD3 trolley beam systems are constructed with structural steel in a patented, extra strong truss design, which allows for longer spans between supports -- up to 80 feet. Longer spans mean lower construction costs as well as fewer interruptions.
For indoor, overhead fall protection applications, traditional rigid trolley beam systems can attach to the structural steel overhead with no support columns needed. Because they integrate into the existing overhead structural steel, traditional overhead rigid trolley beam systems are cost effective and require less fabrication time.
Design Considerations
In a trolley beam fall protection system, total working height is the most important factor to consider. The system must be able to arrest a fall before the worker can come into contact with an impact hazard below the working surface, such as flooring, pipes, or equipment.
Also consider how many users will need to hook into the system simultaneously. If a large number of users will need fall protection in a given coverage area, a quad track design may be recommended.
Finally, the roof support structure must have the structural integrity and strength to be able to support an overhead fall protection system such as trolley beams. DFP’s application engineers perform an assessment of your site to determine whether your roof support system is strong enough to support a trolley beam fall protection system.
See Our Trolley Beam Systems



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At Diversified Fall Protection, we are a complete, turnkey provider of OSHA and ANSI compliant fall arrest systems. Contact us for expert design and engineering assistance for your trolley beam application.