Pipe Rack Lifeline Systems
Pipe rack systems present miles of elevated, tiered, and uneven walking surfaces that are typically best protected with horizontal lifeline systems. By attaching a specified horizontal lifeline system to a series of two or more fixed anchor points, workers can safely span an entire section or level of an elevated pipe rack and complete inspection, maintenance and repair tasks with ease. Cabled-based pipe rack horizontal lifeline systems are easy to use and offer an excellent mix of unencumbered movement and fall protection that maximizes worker productivity.
In addition to the fall protection system used while walking and working on top of pipe racks, it is also important to provide a safe means of access and egress from the elevated work area. Diversified Fall Protection can also design, fabricate, and install fixed ladders, stair access systems, and elevated work platforms to reach the lifeline tie-off point.
Remember, falls are the leading cause of occupational injuries and fatalities each year, and the financial losses associated with a fall can have dire consequences. Ensure OSHA compliance and worker safety with a pipe rack horizontal lifeline system from the safety experts at Diversified Fall Protection.
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We are a complete turnkey provider of OSHA compliant horizontal lifelines for pipe rack applications and have years of design and installation experience. Contact us for expert assistance with your fall arrest, fall restraint and fall protection requirements.
Design Considerations
Pipe Rack Horizontal Lifeline Design Considerations
Although pipe rack applications often lend themselves to a horizontal lifeline systems, there are a number of design considerations which must be considered to ensure the safety of your employees. Because most pipe rack systems are outside, it is important to specify materials that can withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. Pipe rack Hll’s are typically constructed from 316 stainless steel components to offer corrosion resistance and component longevity. In addition, because the top tier of a pipe rack system lacks overhead structure to attach a horizontal lifeline for fall arrest, support beams must also be fabricated and installed. Regardless of level, the horizontal lifeline system design must arrest falls before workers make contact with pipes, support beams, or other structures below the work area. Many pipe rack systems also have areas requiring infrequent inspection or maintenance that make installation of a permanent horizontal lifeline for fall arrest impractical or economically unfeasible. In these areas, choker cable tie off systems may be an acceptable, cost-effective alternative to a permanent HLL. Special care must also be taken to account for load and deflection rates which are determined by a number of factors, including pre-tension of the cable, length of the area spanned, and the number of workers connected to the system. AT DFP, we recognize that each pipe rack fall protection scenario is unique, requiring a comprehensive hazard assessment and a customized solution. Our years of experience designing and installing horizontal lifelines for pipe rack applications will keep your employees safe and your facility in compliance with all OSHA fall protection regulations. To learn more about horizontal lifeline systems, or to discuss your application, contact the fall protection specialists at DFP for more information.